Duración 2:57 minutos
Populism: In an interview with the anti-Church Spanish
newspaper El Pais, Pope Francis has warned against Hitler-like leaders coming
to power on the wave of so called populism. Quote: “In my opinion, the most
common example of European populism is Germany in 1933.” Pope Francis is
regularly accused of populism himself.
Depleted Allies: Sandro Magister has noticed that the only
continent on which the numbers of Catholics has grown is black Africa. But
black Africa is also the most rugged opponent against the changes Francis has
set in motion.” The pope who claims to renew the Church has – quote - “to rely
on the worn out and depleted national Churches of the Old Continent, in primis
that of Germany, in order to put his plans into practice, coming up against the
tenacious resistance of the young and fervent African Churches.”
Suspended for Being Catholic: Last Monday, radical Bishop
Rigoberto Corredor of Pereira, Colombia, suspended Fr Luis Alberto Uribe
Medina. The reason: Fr Uribe stands by the Catholic doctrine on marriage. The
decree of suspension states that he has privately and publicly rejected the
controversial new doctrines of Pope Francis concerning marriage and communion
for adulterers. According to his bishop, he as therefore separated himself from
communion with the Pope and the Church.
Anti-Abuse Abusers: Gretchen Hammond, a former employee of
the well-known so-called “Survivors Network for Those Abused by Priests,” is
suing the organization. According to Hammond the Network does not focus on
protecting or helping survivors but on exploiting them. She also witnessed that
it is a commercial operation funded by kickbacks from lawyers who sue the
No Spanish: The Vatican backed ilsismografo.blogspot.com
complains that the Spanish version of the website of the White House has
disappeared. It calls this a – quote – “small but very ugly sign.”