lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017

"El Papa dictador", un libro convincente

Duracion: 41 segundos

Convincing: The case laid out by the newly released book “The Dictator Pope” is largely convincing according to Robert Royal, the editor-in-chief of The Catholic Thing. 

Quote, “Pope Francis has carefully cultivated an image in public as the apostle of mercy, kindness, and openness; in private, he’s authoritarian, given to profanity-laced outbursts of anger, and manipulative in pursuing his agenda.” 

According to Royal about 90 percent of the book – quote – “is simply incontrovertible.”

Posiblemente, el cardenal Sarah cambie de tarea pasada la Epifanía

Duración: 37 segundos

The blog Anonimi della Croce writes that Pope Francis will get rid of the popular Cardinal Robert Sarah after the Epiphany, although his five-year-appointment ends only in 2019.

Sarah is known for his Catholic convictions. According to the blog Sarah will be transferred to another task.

This move will damage Pope Francis’ reputation in Africa, one of the few continents where the Church is actually growing.

El machismo no aumenta los embarazos adolescentes, la impureza sí (Eulogio López)

Duración 3:32 minutos

Carta abierta de los Macabeos al Papa ( Dr. Geoffrey Brushwood)

Sobre ciertas declaraciones del cardenal Kasper ... y otras noticias